Tuesday, January 1, 2019

"New Year, New Me..."

It's always nice to think that we can just change at the drop of a ball.

But let's be real. That's not true.

A more realistic way of seeing this, however, is allowing yourself to set baby step goals.

Instead of saying, "I'm going to drop 80 lbs this year", which for some is totally possible, it might be really overwhelming right from the start, right? 
Maybe starting at, "I'm going to sign up with a gym and start going twice a week" is a good place to start. It's productive, and reasonable.

But then again, who am I to say what is reasonable and what isn't?

I have personally felt like those big goals have been overwhelming for me. So if this is speaking to you, maybe you will want to keep reading this.

As far as goals go, I want to begin posting on here regularly about once a month. That's fair right?

On New Years Eve, we wrote down things that we want to leave behind in 2018 and burned them in a bowl. This made me think, "hey, maybe I should start there. Set my goals to be things to not do instead of give myself things to do." I already feel prepared to face the new year.

I should be clear. I find any goal setting to be great no matter what time of the year it is. Don't believe for a second that I find new year resolutions to be silly. I think they're great, but sometimes unattainable or, like I said before, overwhelming.

So, if you are still here after all of that ranting. What do you think? Do you have a baby step goal for yourself? Or something you want to leave behind in the previous year? Do you have a different goal setting method that works well for you?

Happy New Year!
I hope all of your goals and wishes come to life.

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